Friday, February 14, 2025

Why jewels?

 I added some links about "jewels" to my blog post . Now I feel stuck in this subject. What is it that people are looking for? I wrote over 6 years about the skills of Christmas gnomes after I had gotten stuck to that subject. 

Some video recommendations impressions, is it about this subject? 

Here are tge jewels this far, I copy the text. But these are either made by others or just my texts, which mostly begun from the Christmas gnomes/elves skills subject. I do not know which ones of my very many texts others would like to read in the "jewels" subject. Others must collect and copy those texts to some blog of theur own? Like also with other "fine"? ideas of what to create in connection with my texts! 

" * 


12th of February 2025 

13th of February 2025   Of jewels there are also what are called "the three jewels of Buddhism" which is one of the major world religions: Buddha: there was already some person/persons who managed to find happy life with wisdom this way in practice, Dharma: there are advices for better life and wisdom which one can study, and Sangha: the religious community of people wanting to try to find happiness this way, happier life wishing wisely well for the world

Oh, of my own texts, you can find the advice "As if like a crown jewel" via the page 

If one wants more jewels, I would first recommend the texts in my blog "A Sorcerer" via the blog post "Through the world we wander singing" 

Then I would recommend for you to try (my texts in) my free ebook at , or in whichever of my books here at you are most interested in, for example or my Christmas gnome / elf skills texts at .

Or did you search for this: ? 

14th of February 2025   In the news there was an article about a Moomin exhibition in a sea myseum in Kotka, and in the end of a video in the article there were fine looking jewels. It has been many times in the air that my Christmas gnome subject gets compared with the Moomins, kind of softer life and harmony is similarly searched for.

My text of a guess of how to make "jewels" of coloured transparent plastic 

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