Spring 1999 psychologists attacked me and my lufe went badly ashtray, without any reason that I would have known of. Autumn 1999? I was trying to get some work in agriculture or gardening, and tgere seemed to be only one job, so I called them and got hired. It was green area service E Saarinen, and the man superwising went to do something else while I was commanded to cut roses. I did not know of such, I thought it was too early since many of tge roses were in flower, but I was commanded to cut them anyway. I had no otger job, and some people walkkng by said it was ok, so I cut some of them, and continued with someone else doing some part of it, saying that someone had died in the hoyse snd that's why. There was in the universith a philosophy professor with the same name as the gardener company and he always told a story of how he always brought a rose to his wife, and we students always consizered it somehow important and fine. But so I went home with a bucket full of roses, crying, but someone said that maybe those roses were somehow meant to me, since those öooked flourishing kn the bucker in the tram. My texts (about the rationality of feelings etc) now 2025 January at links from MiracleLikeNature.BlogSpot.com
Roses are a difficult type of flowers in that roses have spikes. So if you look at the effect of flowrrs, roses cause that the persons next to you do something nasty to you, since they consider roses such. It is traditional to give roses to ones finishing school, since the years of study are nasty enough to serve as spikes. So when I found myself with a bucket of roses, I thought it referring to study like achievements, like what I had planned to write about the rationality of feelings, and on the other hand me so work like supporting the wisdom of feelings that others have, like singers for example and people with wisdom of life for example about choosing hobbies or dream jobs, and the roses referring to some wishing for such texts written.
Often others interprete size classes all wrong: one nice thing mentioned being enough for a flower, and they themselves destroying that from the life of the one who mentilned it, or from the world, would be the spikes of that flower, even though the impression of such is just an attack and a destruction, not any flower or small spikes only. And the thibg referred to by "rose" is typically the flower, seen as beautiful and kind of for wisdom, the total effect like only looked at because of liking such, and without touching the spikes at all, or touching the spikes with thick enough gloves or some sheltering layers of something strong enough, is it newspaper?
Horto Kaalo "Long time ago" Eurovision 1977 (I do not like this song, it just reminds me of my childhood in the 1970's and early 1980's) https://m.youtube.com/watch?v=cQFWq3aT71g&list=RDcQFWq3aT71g&start_radio=1
"Long time ago blue sky arched over ages old forest.
The trees have dies, I cannot see the sky through the smoke.
Long time ago birdsong concert filled the air, long time ago the grass was green.
Long time ago there was something that I only dream about today.
We used to be so new,... then more relaxedly lived humans.
... "
Jennifer Rush : The power of love https://m.youtube.com/watch?v=b_zHQ6kFuQ0 was played in the radio at some time 1990's when I was in my early twenties.
Elton John : Sacrifice https://m.youtube.com/watch?v=NrLkTZrPZA4
" ... Some things look better, baby, when jyst passing through. ..."
25th of January 2025 Thinking of that some estimates of sizes and of trustworthiness, even of the areas of application of ordinary words, can go so very much ashtray, I must clarify tgat I write about thoughts and skills from the poibt of view of objective thinking with pictures of wholes. I write teaching material meant to be read on free time out of personal interest in the subjects of the texts. I do not write atmospheric descriptions of some moments or landscapes, not anything story like. Instead the atmospgeric impressions in my texts usually refer to things to take knto account in objective thinking, like what are the ohenomena in the picture of the world like, what are your personal chouces, what does each point of view say, what sre the typical other points of view or choices of values that some of the readers might have and is there any danger or cobtradiction in those, what kibds of grounds and ways of thinking yo use in each kibf of thing, what is the aim of the text, what does it seem to produce, bring as input and how, what the reader needs to add oneself, are there othwr possible factirs in the lives of quite many of the pissible readers inflyencing, like family members talking about the subject, former career chouces, etc.
And since these are new skills or solutilns etc, the basic point of view is that there was a wish for something, a dream but no existing view of how to solve it nicely in practice, and my thoughts, especially the emphazies plus the common sense like basic school learned picture of the world of the reader, seek to offer such easy solutions - compared with the complexity of the question, but it needs living one's everyday life with common sense along.
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