Monday, January 27, 2025

Of observing people without experiments

 " Of observing people without experiments 

 Finland is in northern Europe where just about all people have traditionally spent daily some time outdoors in the varying weathers of the four seasons. That is very diffetent from Canada which is more oriented to just bearing very cold instead of like in Finland tuning to all kinds of weathers enjoyably and in ways aimibg at being good for modern working life and free time too. Finns take weather into acvount every second, also indoors, while Canadians seem to adjyst weather connected ways once in a half a minute or two minutes. So in the warmer clinates of the four seasons one can learn something of the Finnish weather skills, but Canadian influencies are not so good. 

In Central Europe people often do tjings like as if continuing somewhat the same, as if in bigger bunches, somewgat autumn like style. So it is not as fine tuned as the traditional Finnish ways. And so some social perceptions may bd bypassed by some, without it being so unusual in the eyes of others. So how to find out how the human body etc work if one has somehow bypassed the right kibds of ways of making perceptions of such? These ought to be ordinary life like perception, like if you do some home cjores together and shate the tasks nicely, you may in your eyes see what the other does and how, and if you are interested in such, you maybe understand the ways of doibg used and why jyst such for doing those now, etc. On tge other hand if you have a flu, you may look a little bit but not obsdrve so clearly, do not have the energy to think of that kibds of thibgs done, and so if there is some cariation, extra info or a new siyuation, you maybe do not notice it, and I guess such is the problem in the lack of social eye. Having a flu is a thing that sone reach for, for examoke Canadians, or some influencies from the tropics resemble a flu, so some cultures may tebd to be in a flu or a mild flu. 

On the other hand, good ovservatiobs are öossibke also in the tropics. Buddhism's basic teaching is one way to such. Another way is maybe ordinary lufe running vety well, so you notice everyday life's familuar thibgs well and across time try to get some udea also of the unfa.iluar things in the living ebvironment. On the other hand observatilbs are hindered by tlo cumbersome situations, which one jyst wants to bypass, avoud such burdens. So often people learn better in more distant social situatiobs where the learnibg is encouraged by others too and suppirted by the rest of the society and the good of the living kibd. 

" Of what do people promise someone of hurting 

 "  I read a piece of news about crime cases where people claimed to have given someone a right to hurt and torture them, in some case even kill. Those seemed too much grouped together, when in fact those were different kknds of things with a different motivatiln and different things allowed or asked for. Most of them sounded like learning experiences in which the wider envuronme t had not kniwn how it coukd work out or what was the idea in it. Some were in disguise of such but attempts to get a promuse to hurt in return someone not deserving such. And then there were men who did not want children but who felt too much pressured socially to get to decide their own professiln, studies, such criterion aboyt with whom to be close, etc, so they wanted they penis cut away. There was also someone who wanted to die but had not found it possible abroad for some spiritual reasons or the like. And there were sexual relatilbs gobe wrong, where people did not know which one wss whose festure, skill, wish, values, and which influencies were from whom. 

Some of the learning experiencies were of the basic kind: a person wanting to live in a certain climate and culture, needing skills for such and values, like is typical for many children. Some hardships one may need to kniw how one obrself emphasizes valyes in life, different areas of life, climate features, etc. On the other hand too much hardships typically smalkens one's capavity and so one does not learn so well from such but instead finds out other routes awsy from the problems, which may mean pouring the wrong choices upon a sibling claiming those to be hers/his. Especially such happens to adults who are with too little skills about vlimate etc, too luttle suited to the society, but strong, experiencez, maybe socially preferred by many or sexually, sp once again the hardships get piured upon some innocent around. About adults learning vlinate skills personal likibg toward tgat clinate and the ways brinhibg it's skilks and calyes, are very impirtant in learning the climate skills. So one ought not choose fully freely where to live if one is not interested in those clinates etc. Likewise adukts lear ing vua sexuality goes via hobbies and flurting, not via havkng secyal affairs and getting stuck, but maybe the latter can teach one habits or ways of living which may suit somewhere, some kind of life. Chikdren want tl learn about life, so they maybe say ghat theh want to learn xrom the adults in their environment or snilks that theh emphasize, but that usually means starting to such a directiln, but if there comes problems it is tbought that then should stop and estimate again, even if some words or estimates were earluer the same, but it is the extend of foresight, or social eye, communication skills etc, instead of preferri g lyars, since how could one know or get the freedom to choose everything right to begin with, but that is different from forcing such chouces unfairly upon others. Similarly about medicine and care professions: being helped nicely may sound a good choice, and one might gyess for the society's ordinary civiliced solutions, but is such really wise, if surgery is considered part of medicine but many elderly know about prayer healing etc, or if people tebd to get more ill in a care unit even if it looked nice to begin with? So such chains of promises are not intended. 


Another kind of thing this maybe compares with in the eyes of some, are punishments. I guess the basic rule is that if you do not leave room for certain areas of life, you are not allowed to benefit from those areas of life, lije for example if you do follow certain values you ought not ve automatically considered civilucedly behaving in question involving those values, because of having gone to school years ago. "Live and let others live" is the basic rule to follow. How do we create a society that is wisely good to live in? 


Generally an adult, a child or an animal needing a home means also good willing socual relations attempted, but such work out typically best for lufe if each person is of a different kind, lije of another gender and profession, another age and another types of persons, of anither species, etc. Kind of folliwing thoughts expressed and having good will but going one's own ways, unsuperwised. Yet family members need to orevent damage to others too, like notising if somebody's view of the world is technical ir otherwuse dedtructive instead of a memirised landscape like view with values the right way also in the large scale, wishing fairly good in the world, instead of jyst pointibg to school but caysing needless damage, needless lack of holistic view or neglect of the righrs of other types of peopke as if those were not walked over. 




Healing advices i.e. my blog  

Softer life in healthy ways :  and my books 

For transvestites of natural transformations 

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