Wish well for the living kind, take that as the major (and only since for example good life can be it's part) goal in your life, always and in everything, also in social things. Follow that goal with good quality.
( This is essential in life and in that one's picture of the world would make sense, i.e. one's own course in life would make sense in the world and from the point of view of wisdom of life and of skills. It is also a miracle healing advice, and can help if the world is of spirit and one seeks to be fair instead of relying too much on others. )
My newest blog https://orthodoxaroundtheworld.blogspot.com
This somehow reminded me of that the Christmas song Tulkoon joulu, Let it be Christmas, mentions the wish of prisoners to be freed from prisons, https://m.youtube.com/watch?v=gsO8j76wtOQ&pp=ygUeU2lsbG9pbiBqb3VsdSBsdW9uYW1tZSBvbiBlbmds
The video of some Arab country, was it Bagdad in the 800's in the video game Assasin's greed in the Yle news article at https://yle.fi/a/74-20131217 brought this to my mind.
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