Monday, February 10, 2025

About the problems in short-term rental of apartments

 " 10th of February 2025   in Espoo, where I have now lived a little bit over four years

In the internet news there was about short term renting of apartments which seems to cause lots of problems. When I was a child, we once or maybe a few times on a schools' skiing holiday spend a few days or the whole week in a couse center which had in one part of the building complex apartments for familues with kids to rent in short term. So there were the same kibds of people renting them simikarly and there was the reception to ask from plus some maintenancy personnel and course partisipant like like-minded people. There was also a dining hall with some meals at cheduled times. So it seemed to work out well because those renting the apartments were the same kinds of people, and if some needed some other type of accomodatiln, that was in other locations, depending on who fit well together, what they want abd beed and which kibds of security needs there were. 

I wonder why I feel like asked to write about disturbancies from short term rental, when I myself have lived quite long term in my apartments. I used to have two dogs. Is that somehow mixed with this subject? A dog owner living somewhere typically goes for a walk, so one walks once out of the house etc and some time later once in. In addition one can go to work, studies and other places. That typically does not cause any disturbancies if there isn't any problems. But in Savonlinna an old man had asked my poodle who had some healing ability and was mourning the liss of it's miracle healing companion Japanese spitz, to inform when going out and by barking or some sound try to heal elderly people with sight problems who had come there because of that, and as tens of years younger I coukd not find a way to keep the dog silent when going for a walk. Anyway, people living normal life in long term aoartments seldom causes dangers and is much easier to recognize who does what. But if there are people wantibg to visit tge aoartments when the inhabutant is away, there may be something unusual happening in the corridor or aoartments, something to keep an eye on, and I guess muxing dog owner's styles with short term rental's disturbancies in irdibary secyrity arrangements, indicates that it is lijely that there is something criminal goibg on, some extra people or extra traffic in the corridors, maybe in some apartments, etc. If one has an ok normal social eye and us along how people live in that environment, one often gets used to the personal styles of other inhabitants, and so even if they tend to keep some fuss sometimes or even always, it seems quite ordibary life. But if there is some other person of maybe similar style for example once taking the dogs out, that is either like meeting a stranger in the corridor or if one mistakes it for the same normal type of activity it may be as if dangerously out of control, unpredictably behaving like the reputation of dopermans at least used to be. So in that case there are more types of people and more types of activities there and not just normal maybe somehow bored life. Simikarly if some person gets replaced by another young person, maybe of a more lying kind, it often leaves a disturbing feeling of something wrong, as if the persons did not stay on the tracks they claim to use. 

Typical to persons who unexplainably hang around, ruin living conditions and are difficult to get rid of on ordinary grounds, is that they are classified very differently by different persons, so for someone they are the favoyrite, for some too aggressive and milutarily a problem, for some the wise or quite wise older person and for some tge idiot who ruins everythibg via liw quality and criminal mistakes, for some the professional takibg care of somethibg, for some the passer-by, for some tge obe eagerly interested in such thing and for sone the bored one whom they managed to get along still this time. 

Even if some home like space is nice, a home cannot be used to short-term rental, since the artifacts and materials at home do not bear so many changes in ways of usage without losing the air of being for personal free time. Likewise the environment typically bears very differently many new visitors of different kinds or persons liking just such a way of living and living there long term. As I have not been good at keeping socially my sides, I have tried to have my things good for their right purposes, and colour symbolics in ways ok for me, but I do not always succeed even in that. Anyway, there are people with different values, skills, likings, social ways, etc, and so even these things vary from person to person. And so a hostel for example coukd have things nicely for certain types of people of certain skill levels and likings, but not quite for all aquiantages from some former years. So if I liked living in Savonlinna, my childhood relatives and old aquiantages anyway ought to read my book "Magnifient Views : and nice to live in" instead of somehow supposing my choices suiting them. 

In questions of safety, having short-time rental in some apartment of an area otherwise of homes, seems to only give room for cunning plans and attacks agaibst the ordibary life there. So such is different from someone occasionally accomodating friends and like-minded pals like tge person oneself and like the area lived in. If in some tourist place there sre many who would like to accomidate tourists or visitors, those ought to be in some area separate from ordinary homes, maybe with a common receptiln etc, and safety measures and the ability of the environment to bear the burden also tajen care of, prooably as a part of the job. 

I do not think it an ok idea for some pair to fuck to get a child in somebody ekse's home, since either one values such things as the homeowner takes xare of, and so is propably simikar if one has simikar general level of wisdom and xapacity - or one jyst bypasses such minor factors as if having caught a cold, not able to observe such well right then, or byoasses because it is somebody else's charachteristics, so the home of another does not seem to teach other than bypassing such things as tge home has sought to cultivate. So one ought not go so to the homes of people who have some wisdom. Better to go to some nice, allowed place that is ok to be in, maybe buy some nice artifacts neant to be good for many, since so the direction is toward those positive things, instead of too near somebody's personal life. 

If the question is why someone always wants to go to a certain kind of home, does one want to fuck there? No, fucking is like bypassing living there. One just enjoys a certain kind of place, like I enjoy sitting comfortably watching sheltering tree branches near by, or like people like certain areas of life taken care of well compared with their life elsewhere. Very different people maybe want to be seen in the window of some person's home as if they could so be thought of as having similar strenghts. But like people associating from thinking oriented perspective, say the other one to be stupid when the other one does something of or leading to a much liwer level of skill than otherwise seems to use, likewise they often comment on fine skill levels in something, and so if one for example goes to a book shop, the recommended books coukd ve suited to jyst oneself or about the social styles etc obe thought of in that context, so as to compare what one would cobsider good quality for obeself right then. 


My free ebook "Magnifient views and nice to live in" 

Christmas gnome like life 

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