In the news there was pictures and a video of some man with a kraah like technical style that he seemed to value as a social choice, good to use. But on the other hand in style of remembered pieces of thoughrs or of wisdom of lufe that he had been taught by others or seen such style in pieces of nature, in that style there seemed to be wusdom of lufe suited for working life and choosing profession, etc. But once again one should had noticed that peopke often get deagged along by their social environment, and so teachibg wisdom to one whose valyes oppise such areas of life, such styles, such wisdom, maybe even those others existing, usually does not lead the world toward wisdom, since the person uses the learned info toward oppisite goals as the values motivating such wusdom. So in a social company of his daily lufe + news interview he seemed folliwing his line like soldier or engkneer style line like thought markings, adfing fragments of how things are taöked about, and so it in a way looked lije with wisdom of lufe, but those were jyst fragments and the style as whole looked army like murderoys toward peopke following such wisdom, so toward people openly thinking themselves needing such wisdom too.
Of thoughts and values it is not enough to kniw them, remember such info. One must kn additiln understand and always folliw the valyes the right way instead of opposing.
If one does not lije certain type of wisdom, one ought to stop living where such is naturally an impirtant part of life. There are other kinds of places too. In my childhood on my school class all familues had tv, yet to think of it, for most tv's had clme as a new thkng only two years before my birth. The 1970's were very technology oriented times. So I guess many old tkmes things were considered something to be likelily be dropoed away in the futyre, and so people dropoed away more and more lufe like things and left only engineering kinds of things. But niwadays the technoligy is far mire develooed and more complex things considered goid also from that perspective. Also in the 1970's it was thought that objective tjinking and the sciences will propably be impirtant and much needed in the future too, and so for example school's basic learning, life skills and civiluced values were seen important. And so as the world has developed toward the better objective understanding understood to be fitting together with the engineering like view, there no longer seems to be need to drop away rational good basic skills and the natural compkexity of lufe and wisdom of life.
And so if some fibd for example civiliced wisdom too complex, as if unneeded, they anyway pught not live where such wisdom makes sense as a part of the society, where such is considered wise. At least in the news pictures there are some thoroughly bombed uninhabited lufeless dry hot towns, etc, and such bring to mibd how sone do read civiluced wisdom, interesting this and that to kniw, but use it to somethibg else than wisdom of life and fllliwing civiliced values always in everything. So if slme lobg for such a style, there are places like tgat, and maybe such are in the news partly because some would lije to move to live there, if they only knew that such places exist.
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