Friday, February 21, 2025

If you have been forbidden or restricted away from something like arts or ?

 Many complex things like arts, etc, are not alike as hobbies or dreams and as professilns from which to get paid. So, lije in many professions, the jobs are not nice for those who love that area of life, in the sense of wanting very high skilks snd talents in ut, since jovs are often paid for helping those who are not inclined toward those values, skills and ways of living, but instead want to survive them through by paying someone else to help them, and so jobs ofren bring inflyencies from the people in the opposite end of the spectrum in that area of life. 

Another reason is arts fascinating kndividuals, but the jobs being mostly in making sonething art like for the masses, and so in the jobs personal style is not the goal, but instead one ought to stick to the teacher like theory and let the individual students or buyers of products be the ones with a personal style and message. Many of the buyers or students or members audience are foreigners, either tourists or peopke taking a look at what different areas offer, which places and cultures woukd suit them, and maybe go and live there for a while. 

So a career in arts, if it is paid for, is either as a teacher or in mass product manufacturing like tasks. 

On the other hand, making fine art would often demand you to have wisdom of life, and such often means only as a hobby in arts or some short petiods sometimes, instead of having experience only of arts and instead of having income from arts. 

So, a career in arts is often recommended to the not-so-motivated around who agrees to folliw the lead of others, of those who wish expression for their views or some views in the air. Uniting them all together to obe fine piece of art does not bear being spread vua actors of varied quality and varied valyes, maybe by mice and insects too, plus other people, maybe parent like keeping vompany to the younger people around and e0xpressing some of their style in some form that does not make do much sense, and needing to somehow carry such a reputation goes much much easuer if one did not have any very clear own fine version that others claim to comment, when in fact the idea or song or whatever has transformed enermoudly on the way and there are many misunderstandings, sabotage, etc. 

So, arts are usually not restricted to only some. But many people woukd lije to gear someone of their own type performing nucely enough in radio, and so the media for arts is for large groups. 

But it happens a lot that people near by restrict the hobbies, professions, studies, looks, style, etc of their clisest relatilns. So whike arts abd many other commonly valued hobbies are often possible in the society's hobby courses or via books abd madia and shops, it often requires expressing the wishes in the wider environment instead of with the nearest people. 

Of many hobby like nice things in the world one can learn on one's own if one has free time, but one ought to try to fibd some hobby group or shop or tge like that offers like-minded hobby pals, making such an option in the society. 

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