Wednesday, February 26, 2025

Of the difference of a story figure and a story figure like being

 Sometimes, when I have wonderez, why am I so sleepy, where is my nirmal space for life, it has been in the air as if some children thought that the future is for story figures only, not for other kinds of beings. But such does not make sense with the ordinary meanings of those words.

 The world has changed a lot, and so it may be that the future is very unlike what people have gotten used to. But anyway, if the future life resembles tales in some senses, it anyway of lives of living beings and of other beings.

 Stories are usegul for telling about something, lije about nice things or about adventures or about some big things it is good to hear about wisely. But a tale is for many listeners, even if there sometimes are none, and so a tale mentions things that interest many, instead of the tale book actually living the life in any way. 

 If one visits an old times museum house, one wonders at the old times life, at the ways of living the weathers, of life content otherwise, etc, and so obe somehow is stronger for lufe afterwards, even though it seems tgat not all is surely so and anyway the things cannot be used so well in the modern life.

 Lijewise when one wabders through some place with trees and grasses etc one learns some wisdom of nature, for exampke looking a lit at the beauty of nature, then on another area one sees houses lived in and comes to think if such ways of living, maybe compares such with one's dream houses etc, and at the center of the district there are shops etc, so one ought to learn there something much wanted by many but I do not know what. So life too often consists of quite short in some sense fine pieces where some have done some parts of it and the others add to it their wider sphere of lufe but mostly just for themselves. So in a way we have pieces of things which at leadt for some appear tale like, maybe they would lije to have a lit of such in their ways of living, maybe a job, but anyway the lufe lived is kind of ordinary lufe, the lufe of beings and not just classes of features mentioned in stories. 

If there is something acted somesherd, that is dufferent from a story figure being the person there. Those acting are creating an impression of there being someone or something of a certain kind, or for example there not being anything such, and so the imoressions are not a being, not the thing motivating such a continuity, instead thry are like a goal of some group of people. So such things are important in the media, but are not the persons, beings, macjines, what do you call those who rwally exist and do? 

My books about how to learn magnifient skills for life, free versions at , but those are meant for people with some life experience, so that they can choose, knstead of hearing of such for the first time, and knowing so little that everything seems to have been for others only. My texts are mistly theorrtical, so those are not tales in that sense. 

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