Thursday, February 13, 2025

Women's magazine theme impressions

 "  I put new, women's magazine like theme, search keywords to my blog post 

It brought lots of women's magazine like things people had pondered in watching 's video recommendations. Some ofthem related to my texts which you ought to be able to find at links from . 

My texts teach talents, skills and wisdom of life. The basic view of women and men is that women think of home somewhat like keeping a carage like shelter and maintenance place for cars, i.e. for the family, while men on the other hand are more interested in doing just some useful work in the world. The view via healing skills seems to be that it might be possible to change from woman to man or from man to woman by changing this strong emphazis in one's life. To women it comes from learning skills for pregnancy, childcare etc and from the goal of offering also free time to oneself. It seems nice to be skilled. On the other hand men are hindered by an army like way of keeping company but not wanting to be a center of attention, which problem the civilians try to correct away from the life possibilities, which then causes women trying to make room for the wisdom of feelings, new ideas, the personal choices of each, fair play in the society, etc. 

On the other hand, caring things well in the wide world and in the society is also needed, but it is not automatically the feature of all who keep "a carage". So one should have some diligency in noticing and taking into account who did what when with good quality, and who just claimed to have such skills at other moments. And similarly about goals, values, likings, comfortable areas of life. And one should notice that reaching for points in female looks or in being classified female, is typical for transvestite men dressing as women without cultivating women's skills, values and quality. 


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