Friday, January 31, 2025

"Young and especially talented"

 The news header mentioned a new young unusually talented competitor in a winter rally. And in the picture it seemed to be something such talentedness. There are sometines such news pictures of talented people. Typical to them seems to be that someone gave well room for such a hobby, maybe the whole family, and the young person had a good attitude, liked the hobby, was interested in just it like it has space in the society, like it is liked and allowed by the larger environment, and there was the rest of life running well too, not overemphazis on training, and on some social talk someone, is it father mentioned fine talented forefigures, kind of with character and wisdom of life too or just a well running life with wisdom of life. And a hobby was just doing, learning on one's own but getting good quality info too, having like-minded hobby environment with challenges, fun and also leisurely times. And as future goal good for life instead of just some single profession. 

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