" See my booklet "Animals In Space" at https://learntalents.blogspot.com/2023/11/animals-in-space.html There is also a second booklet of the same somewhere at the blog MiracleLikeNature.BlogSpot.com but it is not at all as good.
" 31st of December 2024 The advice "As if of a nturally healthy family" at https://curingguesses.blogspot.com/2024/07/how-to-stay-healthy-and-recover-when.html seems like it coukd suit ufos too, and so it might suit space travellers too, also on other planets, etc.
If one has been on a lobg space journey or otherwise doing the same for a very long time, but has come back to one's own planet where obe coukd recover. How does one recover? One ought to have an ok way of lufe that one can continue, plus one ought to have chores of healthy kind, a healthy kibd of way of lufe which ought to ve possible, and so one adds some such chores, for example looking oyt of the window, walking and sometimes maybe carrying small objects that can later be replaced by chores of daily life. So one woukd have two ways of luving: one quite much like earluer, and another that is a healthy wise direction to develop into. But there often is needed talking with others about the choices in daily lufe which might affect negatively the environment in the long run, maybe there is some better vhouce for such. And otherwuse too healthy social inflyencies ought to help to adipt lical ways. And similarly one needs to nniw something about healthy ways of living on tgat planet and place.
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4th of January 2025 I was thinking of soace walks in a spacesuit, what if some small stone or piece of metal or the like hits the spacesuit and there cones a small hole into it, air escaping? I guess one coukd divide the spacesuit to head abd maybe throat, plus rest of the body. If the small hole is in the sleeves etc where there are clithes, coukd some clith material spread to much thicker materials made of bubbles, if the pressure decreases around it? Or simikarly some layer of some substance spread to bubbles which fill the holes? If there us a small hole in the head area, could one have in the backside of obe's palm fastened to the glove a piece if naterual with glue on top of it, so that if obe slams it upon the small hole, it gets fixed. Uf it is fastened somewgat but not enough, coukd there be small pieces of material or mice inside the helnet, so that they too would fill the small hole? Or one coukd have another visir, teansparent roubd sheet at the back or above one's head and it fastened to two round points on the sides, so that one jyst slams it, turning it to front so that one has a double layer, and prooably oresses it by hand fastenkng it to that place with some insulation in the edges.
"Possible healing advices for ufos and/or space travellers
Most of these advices are in this blog CuringGuesses.BlogSpot.com
1) "As if of a naturally healthy family" https://curingguesses.blogspot.com/2024/07/how-to-stay-healthy-and-recover-when.html
2) Increasing one's general level of health https://curingguesses.blogspot.com/2024/11/increasing-your-general-level-of-health.html
3) Miracle healing mice https://curingguesses.blogspot.com/2021/02/miracle-cure-attempts-ought-to-help-lot.html Birds might want to try to miracle heal ufos, humans, animals etc too!
4) Miracle healing advice in serious accidents + emphasizing in it wishing well for the living kind, ufo kinds, etc https://curingguesses.blogspot.com/2024/09/miracle-healing-advice-for-first-aid-in.html
5) Better luck by reading in a hobby like way my text about the skills for a Christmas gnome like life, starting at LearnTalents.BlogSpot.com/2018/09 .
If you are a human or an animal, see also the healing advices at https://curingguesses.blogspot.com/2018/12/index-with-cure-suggestions-after-word.html , plus the rest of this blog.
Also the advices about giving birth at https://learntalents.blogspot.com/2024/01/advices-about-giving-birth.html might suit both humans and animals at large plus propably possible ufos too.
( I do not quite know why I add it here, but if in space a more natural visual environment is needed and one can paint or draw. It seems that some can draw a natural looking tree sheet of wood imitation by a person liking something like math but doing it only rarely or never boringly long, drawing a curve like around this liked thing, then in a row as if continuing to those liked things etc. And while doing this thinking of on the outer and forward side being social group members who are inclined toward practical things, an objective picture of the world, maybe weathers etc. Well, I do not know, but some wood surface imutatiobs appear such. )
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The white bubbles like popcorn or styrox at the news on a shore in Hanki in southern Finland, brought to my mind aquarium fishes and copying from them transformation skills of photosynthezis (which pught to have been learned from pine branches) and a feeling of oxygen in the water near hands' skin. (Parantamisesta7.blogspot.com and LearnTalents11.BlogSpot.com ) These ought to interest aquarium hobbyists, NASA's inhabiting of other planets, tropical divers, seafarers, and possibly some miracle healers and religious people. "
Vaikutelmani joskus jollain henkisellä tms puolella oli, että itseään Maahan sopeutumattomaksi alunperin Kuun asukkaaksi väittävä ihmisenhahmoinen henkilö ehkä voisi tällä ohjeella vaihtaa merilehmäksi, jos se hänelle sopivalta vaikuttaa, mutta kasvisravintoa tarvitsisi enemmän kuin merieläimillä on tapana kasviksia syödä seudun kasviston kärsimättä.
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Please notice that almost all my texts are advices in learnibg talents, skills and wisdom of life.
These advices are on a very general level and seek to be for a world-wide audience. So quite many of them or even most of them could be read also by space travellers or on other planets, if interested in such subjects. That is why I see no poibt in adding them here. There are much too many of them. I you do not know how to estimate such, guess that all my texts may be such but that they are of varied subjects abd may demand reading some other texts first. I am from a climate of the four seasons with snow in the winter and early spring only, gone to ordinary school of 9+3 years, studied in the university theoretical physics snd math, and a little bit of theoretical philosophy. Went also to a one-year-long course in a farming school on a foreign language, plus took part in an almost half-a-year long wilderness guide course, taught my dogs aiming for circus and have written really lot, starting from a paradise theory, see
MiracleLikeNature.BlogSpot.com .
3rd of February 2025 In the news there was some article of men having beaten their wife or other close people, and it brought to mind that the men were like having lived indoors or atgerwise in a build very thought centered environment, and so their skills for ordinary life did not carry their tasks and their ability to personal integrity was badly hindered by the social spaces not being in an ages old basic living environment, basic life there, but more like just thoughts and words only. So the advices at "As if of a naturally healthy family"
https://curingguesses.blogspot.com/2024/07/how-to-stay-healthy-and-recover-when.html might be useful in thus too, plus a more natyral environment where distance makes relatiobs more independent, at least sone nice curtains by a window, maybe a flower pot with some nice green plant, a nice tablecloth, etc. Also climate related thinfs may make hone nicer, like a nuce warm blanket in case it might ve needed, good clothes for the weathers, and other things good for the local life and it's charm.
5th of February 2025
7th of February 2025 In the end of my book "Wonderful, Miracle like Beings" there is a text about the value of swamps, which maybe could have some usefulness also if somewhere in space travel there is not so fine looking nature but something grows ok anyway. Likewise the first text might work out somewhat also on other planets, but I do not know for sure. See a free version of the book at
https://miraclelikenature.blogspot.com/2024/01/book-wonderful-miracle-like-beings.html and one can buy it from
www.amazon.com .
12th of February 2025 Of learning to "breathe" differently, for example photosynthezis through the skin, one should notice that one does not need to give up tge old ordinary way of breathing because of tgat at all. There may automatically come some shift in emphazis but one does not need to aim for losing the old good sides.
21st of February 2025 Behaving regardless of circumstancies even if such is not considered traditional way of choosing, seems to cause noselessness, which is said to be a physical feature of ufos. Listening to circumstancies and trying to behave wisely according to each situation seems to cause a longer nose.
27th of February 2025 Are the legs of insects thin because the insect is concentrated in living along routes which are considered socially advisable (kind of strenghts in life, maybe good for achievements) by others. And concentrating instead of that in getting via skills and own wisdom of life done things to run well, seems to produce mammal like rounder legs with muscles too kind of life like and maybe happy in style. A large person is often in sight and others tend to fear physical threatening, and so big persons ought to behave nicely and according to beautiful civiliced values.
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