Sunday, February 16, 2025

Of names

 In the news there was some time ago a video of interviewer concratulating a man nominated person of the year living or influencing things especially at Tampere. The man was very technical looking, not so alive in style, but they repeated several tines another name "Sointu Borg" which means somethibg like Chord Castle, a woman's name giving a strong imoression of a somewhat fat elderly or middle aged woman in lila clothes, kind of keeping company like eating bakery and referring to some social customs and commonly kniwn cultural wisdom or cultural advices, so that things jyst there go ok, even well if those cultural advices folliwed. So it seemed that thet had or had had a cultural figure there whose wisdom coukd carry even years or tens of years after her death, and also the pieces of wusdom coukd carry, yet a local figure as far as I understand. And ghis so even though the interviewer seemed nicely behaving and kibd of creating charm like summer time dance in a nice place, and even though the concraculated man was calldd Topi Borg, and the youbger lookibg social style woman he sat with having dinner in a cafeteria like place, was also called Sointu Borg, but seemed to be of another generation. 

So what is it that a name bribgs and what does it not bring? A name ought to be like a classification, giving room to live in but in harmony with the society and the world. That typically means some thibgs liked by the individual and liked by the society but not any official position for just the name etc. So my name Kaisa having the association Caesar or emperor, would mean me being interested in such, trying to care such things well. It does not mean any possition to command. So it is not ok for others to kind of borrow the name or reputation. If others are interested in such things, that is an ok nornal area of interest and does not bring any extra rules or priviledges, but one must notice that the versions of different persons are indeed very different. Like we had the last name Hari, bringing the association "tsaari", zsar, which was the Russian emperor of the old times, so each one coukd have had their own version of the ruler theme, but those were so different that those did not even get recognised as belonging to the same subject. I was interested in governing well, influencing well in the large scale if influencing anything. My mom was interested in being a dictator, even if very evil, and thought that via talking with boys is one wsy to do such. My brother wanted to be one actor amoung several somehow associating with the emperor of China. My father's view of zsar was associated with passing forward cultural wisdom in children's upbringing, especially weather skills and nature, living in old houses and his interest in zsars seemed to be fond of travelling in homecountry and similar places and seeing different places, their ways of living, ordinary work, etc. My cousin Saija was interested in African trobe leaders who sounded like criminal group leaders and small dictators. Our grandfather Johannes Hari had maybe been interested in how money rules in the world, how what is profitable and works well somewhere is important in making life work out well and the society's works' understanding carries also lives during free time and lives at large. And his wife, who died years before I was born, was told to have been an apple farmer and seen kind of all sides of life reflected in it in an useful form, gotten such a job to work out well, kind of balance things or needs in her life and gotten a taste like life to everything via such farming, kind of wise view to lives in the world, and it was said that it was very important what kind of an apple she sent or tried to send or her kids once sent to the emperor of China, but in such there is also the danger of poisoning the apple, so I do not kniw wgat hapoened. 

Giving a person a name of which type the person is not, like the name Lauri which brings the association Singer Cross, and typically bring influencies from the views of others about songs and music, producing a technical situation of taking this and that into account or somehow along, instead of anything music like or music as a value, such more like ruins the thing and just shows that names are different from things done, characters and values, but anyway would be better to choose names roughly right according to the individuals. 


28th of February 2025   Is this some Soile Borg style of Trump in these pictures in a today news video? 

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