Sunday, February 16, 2025

What are the indoors and life made good for

 I watched three videos of kind of unreal feeling tiny house indoors. The first brought to my mind how in a picture near a piece of news of artifacts stolen a building had seemed to continye to neighbouring trees' branches etc as flourishibg life, and so I wondered, is it possible for anyone to use such buildings as in the video to anything. 

But the indoors brought to mind elderly with really fine artifacts or some such style, maybe religious, maybe for the dead, maybe for some kinds of religious public figures or elderly who care something such. 

The second video was the only one I coukd somehow identify with: various persons' indoors made good for certain tasks or good things lije valyes and skills in the society, maybe somewhat lije is the idea of a thinker to offer to others or persons folliwing civiliced values may be such. Some of the ibdoors reminded me of Buddhists.

The third video made me say oh+ouch  many times and I felt like crying. It were teachers' and parents' houses plus some professionals'. The idea seemed to be to maje things nice for kuds etc but then backibg up and somehow choosing such not possible for them. So it was like someone having folliwed the idea in education, making things possible in the lives of the younger generation, but kibd of likibg such a reputation somuch tgat used it akso at home where one felt like not wanting to give those to the ypunger generation, yet wanting to pretend so. 

But I got some occult problems of this, some stick figure like men slamming me in head by parts of furniture and some socially maybe Glasgow style peopke coming a few centimeters of some tens of centineters from my face as if breathing bacteria and claiming me gaving talked leisurely with them that way, plus some women coming very near to my side as if I were a child or youbg reen reading something with them but doing so in an insulting way. So is the question, what do I do with the possible visitors? First of all these were not my videos, I just only found them in the internet and thought tgat those might interest others too in how to make home nice, what differencies there are between profwssions in how they make room for their lives and their jobs, etc. The occult problems are maybe somebody's guess of who coukd come to my home, but the guess goes wrong, since I do not know those people and am not in friendly terns with them and so I would not invite them to my home. The people who could come to my home are people tgat I am social with nowadays plys house repairs man etc. And also of course new aquiantages, but anyway people near here plus the people they associate with and not for exampke people from Alaska especially. So tge unkonwn types of peopke or childhood envuronment from tge last century ought not come here even by occult means and disturb my life every second or so. 

If these groups sre the people who read my texts, I have suggested that Alaska might change it's name to Dwenda, and Glasgow is maybe because of the Eurovision song contest, so there are my melodies at , and I do not know what children or teens coukd read simikar to tales but there are some famoys old tales like traditional tales of different nationalities and those of Andersen, and as a young adult I read some fantasy books which I bought from second hand books shop plus poetry from town library. 


But did you ubderstand tgat each type of persons for whom the tiny house interiors were, was very much makibg some social space for those things that one cultivated like job, values, human type, ways of being social, etc. The first obes seemed to arrange something of high skills or religious kibd for the society, like priest or something in that direction, royalty for example. But also for others such job lije choices were theur way of life, what they a large part of their lives arranged, lije job and family circles plus way of life. So that was their place in the society and in tge world, and their skill level, their lufe content, and so it was their kibd of defence too byt with the groups and not alone. The first group seemed almost totally public also at home. The second was not so public but on a general level, and so visitors were not thought of necessarily their social relations or friends or family. And the third group were more like for themselves, seemed not so good for the society and not checked so well, and it seemed tgat they claimed the visitors to ve their friends. 

If one is interested in buying fine artifacts, one should be interested in some area of life, like art for example, and buy some one thing or so which is said to be good for such, like music CD's or radio and later maybe a music instrument that one likes and admires plus a good songbook. Or go to an arts exhibition in an arts museum and buy some postcard from the museum shop. Or like the traditional culture of some district, travel there abd buy some good quality souvenir from there. Anyway, you shoukd go to places which are specialised to your interests, so it woukd work out better if you woukd move to live there, and so what you buy from there would be meant for those liking such, interested in such. See my book "Magnifient Views : and nice to live in". 


Yesterday news say that the doors of the famous Ateneum art museum had been painted by yellow paint. 

Here is a picture of my dogs' old circus low stool from 2010-2011 which was in my room in Savonlinna but I put it away here in Espoo since it was so dirty and the cover fabric broken. But yesterday I took it to my room to wonder was that the mussing thing. I sewed it in Helsinki maybe year 1999 of left over pieces of fabric from the blanket cover I hadxdewn. Now it seems quite far away in years. But I wonder was religion one of the suppirts for havibg a circys hobby with my dogs sone 15 years ago. 


The video of dream villas (poodles, "villakoira" in Finnish, tend to run nicely in circles on the lawn) shows what kind of feeling of luxory or magnifience or softness or of experiencing the nature senses open a pet of a type admired and much liked by the family/person brings to an quite ordinary home or near area when running free on the garden lawn or running free in the room or apartment. 

Such can be fitted to the room by green plants there and some nice furry blanket of it's coat colour somewhere in sight too, etc, and so the animal isn't the only nature type beauty or of it's coat type charm there. 

* *

17th of February 2025   I found two more interesting videos of small "homes" that can be drawn by a car to a new place. The first video reminded me of animals (at least an owl, a dog and insects), and of very religious Christian people and churches. I learned from it that the nice reddish wood colours were things lived with, while the black surfaces referred to the edges of the comfortable space lived or to (murderous toward) things outside that well cultivated area, for example some humans. And there seemed also be things demanding extremely high skills that the individual had as a task to get along with and to represent, like the wild nature or the work of a monk. 

The other video was about movabke red-white mushroom tiny houses, which seemed to wush well in the world, like a hobby for exampke and was with the wide world ( see ) instead of restricting the space by black etc but though there seemed in some murders marked too, which I guess relates to those persons preferring some other style, areas of life, etc. Anyway this seemed like persons with a civiluced perspective, not stuck at home but instead in the wide world, somewhat like some impression of the own room of some child or maybe some own space of some family member but inside the home, kind of as a part of a wider whole and more like sporty ways. 

18th of Fenbruary 2025   The video at seemed to habdle how different types of interior and of ways of living, being social, profession, etc affect possibilities to go for a walk in the forest, or even go outdoors. Quite in the beginning there seemed to be forest research professionals' views of forest and of going to walk in a forest, but the later pictures mostly did not seem to give such chances, at least not so well. The first well working solutions seemed to be that indoors there wasn't anything specially interesting but quite ordinary anyway, (even music possible), (especially if space travel, one should remember to not to make indoors too scarce or otherwise unsupporting for life, including wisdom of life, good quality work and wishing well for the world), and the view from the window showed some nature and it looked better idea than indoors but seemed even better outdoors, so try if going for a little walk in the nature near by would be the thing needed, longed for. 

Can it be that the problems with nice indoors but not wanting to spend most of the time indoors, maybe are a consequence of foreigners travelling or of young people not knowing what suit what kind of life, and so they mix goals and ways of living, wanting to see just something different, somehow good for lufe and make their own variatiobs of such. But the older adults ought to have already learned of such, so is the problem ill care professionals wanting to see just something healthy, but not being able to bear the weathers etc of the local life? So is there any place with a style they like and prefer, where it is told that a hotel offers healthy ways of living and recovery, even though it is in their own liked style? They ought to try to find such and go there, since there exists such skills that one can learn, see , and so some could learn to keep such a hotel too. 


There were also travel homes drawn by a car, quite ordinary looking white from outside, with orange and white indoors and really lots of flowers around tge wagon, looking like shopkeepers' travel home or their shops somehow. But I do not know of shopkeepers so much. Anyway, I came to think of my blog maybe because of the many flowers around. 

There was also a video of a large white somewhat castle style houses in nature by a lake. Those reminded me of some philosophical school, how do you say, having had them, like a jeeper of some nice New Age philosophy courses, or Steiner schools philosophy, or the traditiobal local ways of living and their wisdom. Those seemed to work well in a culturally homogenous environment, but the continuity seemed large based on the texts of that thought sect, so if tge leader figure of the house died, the house did not seem to offer anything special for the next inhabitabts, unless one wanted to live in just such a location and with such possible jobs etc there. The group anyway continued largely based on the same texts that they had liked, and had veen largely seoarate from the leader or activists, just read something nice abd discussed it with others readibg simikar things. 

Of all these videos this one seemed in some senses least problematic, which I guess was the culturally homigenous environment abd the house and it's inhabitants fitting into it well. So the ways of living, job, values, likibgs etc shoukd fit well into the environment, both locally and in the large scale. 

There was a video of stone houses with round windows. It made me think that such roubd wibdows, like an excess of making things nice, may make some others want to make identity thefts, to live in such a nice looking place. So if one wants or needs things somehow extra soft, nice or well taken care of in some respects, it is better to live somewhere with others too simikarly inclined in caring well those things abd simikarly have good possibilities for such. Or if it some high skills needing such, it ought to be evident that you are some valued person in the society and in the world, ibstead of just some young adult with too much nice things comoared to what would ve fair. 

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