Tuesday, March 4, 2025

Some name attempts for Helsinki

 These have been in the air on some virtual, mental or spiritual side. So those are not mine, but may connect with what I have written in these blogs of mine. 


"Wisdom of the wild" , see my text https://learntalents11.blogspot.com/2025/02/of-difference-of-words-wild-abd-ill.html , and maybe also https://learntalents11.blogspot.com/2025/03/of-getting-room-to-live-in.html 

And the former attempt that was born from me talking with virtuals / on some mental or spiritual side 


At some point in writing these texts, I wondered if the word 


 is also somebody's view of good life, and something like that a name attemot for Helsinki too. 

Miracle healing by wishing everything well for life in the world

 "  wishing well for living beings in the world as the main course and dedication in life, see https://curingguesses.blogspot.com/2025/02/paradise-in-meaning-wishing-things-well.html 

Wish things well for life in the world, well for all living beings, in wise fair ways. Take this as your main course in life, in everything. Wish all kinds of things well for life, also in questions of others, and mention at least in your mind good wise things, wisdom of lufe tgat carries in the long run and in larger groups even uf does not at tge first occasiln seem to affect so much, since beautiful values heal things toward better in the world, and so the environment and things done get benefical for quick good healing. 

From www.EasyHealing.info which ought to lead to my blog CuringGuesses.BlogSpot.com to which there is also the internet address www.MiracleHealing.info 

Phonetically A-N-G-E but what L?

 "  I came to think of the word "angel". What if one wants to get someone to behave nicely and well for the world, and the person has agreed to try to behave wisely, is there anything in the phonetical form of the "angel" fitting such a task? 

"A" means according to common sense according to the culturally adviced ways of living and doing there. 

"N"  I guess means trying sensitively get social contacts work out right, kibd of natural and wisely according to positive feelings 

"G"  often means trying to learn to folliw cultural wisdom, folliw what is considered wise 

"E"  means freely, naturally, like is good in the light of wisdom of life and in the world 

("E"  another "E" would have seemed a good idea. ) 

But "L" typically is some technical arrangement, why is such here? It seems to ruin the whole thing.

But these were thinking of the Finnish way to pronounce the letters, since I do not know how to write such in English. 

A like in "auto" 

N seems the same in both languages, 

G too seems approximately the same 

E  like in "elementary" 

L seems approximately the same in both languages


From my blog anokangel.blogspot.com 

Of getting room to live in

 For getting room to live in and personal freedom to choose one's type of job etc, use good basic solutions that are good for many (or all) in your environment, especially for those you associate with but also in the wide world. Since often it is difficult to get the society to work fully right everywhere, but good basic civiliced solutions are what one can build upon good life if such are in use in one's environment and such is much easier if you use them in connection with the wider environment too. 

Saturday, March 1, 2025

A huge added value to what you sell?

 "  Maybe https://liikuntaa.blogspot.com/2025/02/through-world-we-wander-singing.html 

Plus maybe my books at large MiracleLikeNature.BlogSpot.com 

These consist of separate texts. 

(I was watching some video of weird stone houses, when this came to my mind, when some house looked better if the people there sporty. But I did not watch the whole video, https://m.youtube.com/watch?v=LdeJ0qNGCfA 

There is also the problem of jewels: https://learntalents11.blogspot.com/2025/02/why-jewels.html ) 

From my blog asiakkaanavain.blogspot.com 

Some name attempts for Helsinki

 These have been in the air on some virtual, mental or spiritual side. So those are not mine, but may connect with what I have written in th...