I came to notice that if one copued the fully grown thick needle tree of an arrow or triangle like shape, lower branches growing somewvat downwards, if one tries to tune yo it's green branches' atmosphere and maybe learn something that way. And then thinks of an elderly man some what like tge type or style of the trunk of that tree, is he artistic kn some way, kknd of aflane somewhere, at some poibts like some with artistic insight or ideas about arts like handiworks? And then if one has some glimoses of such sparks of feelings, turns one's attention tl the thick green branches, thinking that those were suppised to teacv makkbg presents, many presents, then my impression was that the branches looked somehow religion lije complex in that respect, as if teachkng really much about making presents for Christmas. But this was just impressilns of those trees when tjinkibg of such oersons and such trees, not seen any such tree today. But anyway I though that this might interest many.
Find and create tge Land of Christmas, skills for Christmas gnone/elf like life year around 11.
Thursday, January 30, 2025
Of wine like things
" Viineistä tulee nykyisin mieleeni että monesti paljon enemmän veden tms juominen usein parantaa oloa kuin joko se menisi muilke rai vedentarve vaihrelisi. Ja jos on oikein kivasti eheästi terveellisesti tehtyä ruokaa esim.perinteen mukaan, niin sekin jotenkin huohentaa olia. Ja vitamiinit yms oikeat ravinyoaineet ovat tärkeitä myös. Ha jokin niin kukkea kuin lahja, lupa juhlua, gaaveilla ja suunnitella tulevaa parempaa elämää. Jutustelu vähän höpötysmäisestikkn välillä tarkan tiukan adiakeskystelun sijaan, ja kukin menee omia teitään, on kivaa, hetki akkaa kullakin omalle itsellen, vaikkei aina tietäisi että miksi muutama hetki tai ikta juuri niin olisi kiva.
I translated :
Nowadays wines bring to my mind that often drinking water much more tgan usually somehow makes life glide better, as if it went to others or the need of water varied. And if there is nicely, fracturelessly, healthily made food, for example like traditilnally, it somehow makes one feel better. And vitamkns snd other needed things in food are impirtsnt too. And something thst is like a present, letting one celebrate, dream and plan future better lufe. Talking somewhat like nonsense tlo instead of detailed fact discussions, and each one goibg one's own roads, has fun, enjoys one's time, each one has a moment time for oneself, even if one does not necessarily always kniw why a few moments just so is nice or a whole evening.
Wednesday, January 29, 2025
Of soulwandering and of life after death
I have wondered why things go ashtray in the world. It seems that some have thought death better than continuing life and so they have taken death and killing as goals, but somehow humans and other beings still exist, and so there seems to be life after death for many, and I guess that it is in many cases dimilar to the lives before dwath, even maybe in the same world, or the same kibds of things affecting, I guess often like some choice or period having been removed and life just continues lije before, and so it woukd matter to not to make things worse.
One reason for thibgs getting worse is some saying that they kniw so and so much of the civiluced school taught thibgs, and maybe trying to get animals keep up such a picture in the air. But that makes such feel compulsory and so much more difficult to vear, and so many jydt try to destroy such, and so thibgs jyst go ashtray instead of jyst there being some info of who kniws what, understands how much, has which skilks, values, goals, ways of communicating, trustworthiness and areas of comfortability.
Things being used to quite the oppisite goals than what was the idea in them when trying to arrange lives well, wisely, with wisdom of lufe and all free. That would in the spiritual sense look like those beings woukd belong to another kibd of lufe where such choices go mire naturally right. And it sounds tgat one ought belong to a species like oneself, instead of vased on some other persons' features, quality, etc. Like for example standing on two feet resembles how a moyse rises to two feet to take a look at the wider environment. So humans woukd be naturally awafe of the landscape around and luve in harmony as such. If someone does not bear this and that kn the sphere of attention without going to take a clider look at once and maybe also attacking, such soubds like preferring lufe on the four feet. And one who does not go anywhere as if in a landscape, maybe would be worm like or very small comoared with others.
Of the possibility of growing wings by sheltering the small scale by earlier learned much wider civiluced wisdom or something like tgat, suggests that maybe such transformatiobs would be possible for some but woukd demand having such a feature all the time instead of jyst as a momentary imoression. A tail maybe connects with staying in comoany even when going further away. Bodily size seems to connect with the ease of the environment to vear such, like a nicely behavibg person without making strong claims or even forcing even a luttle, coukd maybe be a giant, but an individual trying to arrange the thibgs of others "see, you would do this tvis way and this that way, and so there would be..." if it us ok at all, would mean others preferring havkng tgat person short, or otherwise easy to neglect fully.
At least many pets and rats seem to have a landscape like view at least part of the time, kind of taking part in life in the landscape and in the wide picture of the world. So it seems that if some individuals of them would be suited to human jobs, for example governing, they maybe could do them well, for example human relations and concentration per subject, but that requires safety i.e. is it large enough size, good communication, good picture of the world, life experience and especially recognizing who is like what.
Estonian sports skills
In today news there was live tv from European masters ice skating pair competition https://yle.fi/a/74-20140114 in Tallin in Estonia. That isn't so much south from here, from Espoo at the southern coast of Finland. So one would guess the sports skills there being similar because of climate and culture, but Estonians are more gnome like kn style and at least some of them do not like sports so much. Ice skatkng is good in that it has music plus sports, kind of a feeling of the moment and natural movement style accordingly like is ghe temptatiln of the moment, and such is good for sports, likewise is good that ig is practical insteaz ofsocial looks. Of one's lufe experience obe kniws many different atmosoheres, ways of living and doing, moids, situations, thibfs dobe, etc, and those each have their own ways of doing, rythm, music lije motivatio , poibt of view etc. And so as one is rational and interested in high snills, one often notices that this is lije tgat perspective, that biew to lufe and ways of living, like one notices when trying to fibd out where it would be good climate and also otherwuse good place for obeself to luve in. So like one can take a broad stepp when obe cobsiders such good for obeself right then, or a sensitive detailed atmispheric way of moving for something, for exampke for enjoying the atmisphere of nature somewhere, likewise one can use obe's wider mire sensitive undersrandibg to geasp moods in action, to be alobg in wiser ways suiting them moment, enjotably and wisely, with own insight about healthy ways of living and emotional wisdom of lufe guiding lufe, and so one can be enjouable spirty when one feels like such, with a good atmispgeric body fine coordination along becayse music has taucht obe to observe such too.
Tuesday, January 28, 2025
Eino Leino like poems idea for school children
" I was left wondering of the claim that Eino Leino's piems are some poem type, made by many especially in the older times, which may be true, I guess such can happen with poems of nature as a subject.
But there is another claim which does not seem so likely or so good quality, but which anyway might produce piems of simikar style. "Ei" means kn Finnish "no". So what hapoens if you give school kuds the task to write good quality piems or stories, that are outside their area of skills and knowledge, lije old times for example, but seek to affect wisely in the midern world, upjeep sometjing worth upjeepibg. So if you go "ei" to where you do not have enough skills but kniw quite much about and aim at wusdom abd good mife, undwrstabding tge world, especially in agws okd respects, picture of he world and wisdom of lufe and about learning snills. But pay especially much attention to explaining things which a foreigner without so much info about what is goibg on, micht want to make sure are ok if tgere was a mentiln of "no" but anyway the school aged child thought it woukd be ok to do so, even advisable. And "leino" brings into mind pietrically, gludingly atmispheric, somewhat lije musical lufe or sights of bwauty of natyre from car window.
Slight - dream - instinct nature - profound - wisely in the world
From https://einoleinopoems.blogspot.com/2025/01/another-perspective-of-such-direction.html
See also Orthodoxaroundtheworld.blogspot.com
( The Golden Book - Saint Germain )
( I run into a video of a book that brought to my mind memories of my objective view as a child, of which I have written in my objective paradise theory books, and which I tried to communicate among other reasons to remove the need for experiments on humans and animals, and possible similar beings. I listened to a little bit over 3min of the beginning, of the introduction, and it sounded familiar, like me as a child in such a task, but if I remember right, the rest was said to be filled by some religious person, an Orthodox priest I guess.
Free versions of my books at MiracleLikeNature.BlogSpot.com
29th of January 2025 Word-wide perspective only, not any narrower as basic point of view, the objective thinking of the nature sciences, and thinking that the times of technologisation demand interpreting objective picture of the world to a language understood to a large extend by engineering, and so producing also mechanical work efficiency estimates, optimisation of wholes, and the like inside the biological pictyre of thehumans and the basic school like objective picture of the world. These are useful estimates to make, yet not at all all the skills needed in life.
Monday, January 27, 2025
Of observing people without experiments
" Of observing people without experiments
Finland is in northern Europe where just about all people have traditionally spent daily some time outdoors in the varying weathers of the four seasons. That is very diffetent from Canada which is more oriented to just bearing very cold instead of like in Finland tuning to all kinds of weathers enjoyably and in ways aimibg at being good for modern working life and free time too. Finns take weather into acvount every second, also indoors, while Canadians seem to adjyst weather connected ways once in a half a minute or two minutes. So in the warmer clinates of the four seasons one can learn something of the Finnish weather skills, but Canadian influencies are not so good.
In Central Europe people often do tjings like as if continuing somewhat the same, as if in bigger bunches, somewgat autumn like style. So it is not as fine tuned as the traditional Finnish ways. And so some social perceptions may bd bypassed by some, without it being so unusual in the eyes of others. So how to find out how the human body etc work if one has somehow bypassed the right kibds of ways of making perceptions of such? These ought to be ordinary life like perception, like if you do some home cjores together and shate the tasks nicely, you may in your eyes see what the other does and how, and if you are interested in such, you maybe understand the ways of doibg used and why jyst such for doing those now, etc. On tge other hand if you have a flu, you may look a little bit but not obsdrve so clearly, do not have the energy to think of that kibds of thibgs done, and so if there is some cariation, extra info or a new siyuation, you maybe do not notice it, and I guess such is the problem in the lack of social eye. Having a flu is a thing that sone reach for, for examoke Canadians, or some influencies from the tropics resemble a flu, so some cultures may tebd to be in a flu or a mild flu.
On the other hand, good ovservatiobs are öossibke also in the tropics. Buddhism's basic teaching is one way to such. Another way is maybe ordinary lufe running vety well, so you notice everyday life's familuar thibgs well and across time try to get some udea also of the unfa.iluar things in the living ebvironment. On the other hand observatilbs are hindered by tlo cumbersome situations, which one jyst wants to bypass, avoud such burdens. So often people learn better in more distant social situatiobs where the learnibg is encouraged by others too and suppirted by the rest of the society and the good of the living kibd.
" Of what do people promise someone of hurting
" I read a piece of news about crime cases where people claimed to have given someone a right to hurt and torture them, in some case even kill. Those seemed too much grouped together, when in fact those were different kknds of things with a different motivatiln and different things allowed or asked for. Most of them sounded like learning experiences in which the wider envuronme t had not kniwn how it coukd work out or what was the idea in it. Some were in disguise of such but attempts to get a promuse to hurt in return someone not deserving such. And then there were men who did not want children but who felt too much pressured socially to get to decide their own professiln, studies, such criterion aboyt with whom to be close, etc, so they wanted they penis cut away. There was also someone who wanted to die but had not found it possible abroad for some spiritual reasons or the like. And there were sexual relatilbs gobe wrong, where people did not know which one wss whose festure, skill, wish, values, and which influencies were from whom.
Some of the learning experiencies were of the basic kind: a person wanting to live in a certain climate and culture, needing skills for such and values, like is typical for many children. Some hardships one may need to kniw how one obrself emphasizes valyes in life, different areas of life, climate features, etc. On the other hand too much hardships typically smalkens one's capavity and so one does not learn so well from such but instead finds out other routes awsy from the problems, which may mean pouring the wrong choices upon a sibling claiming those to be hers/his. Especially such happens to adults who are with too little skills about vlimate etc, too luttle suited to the society, but strong, experiencez, maybe socially preferred by many or sexually, sp once again the hardships get piured upon some innocent around. About adults learning vlinate skills personal likibg toward tgat clinate and the ways brinhibg it's skilks and calyes, are very impirtant in learning the climate skills. So one ought not choose fully freely where to live if one is not interested in those clinates etc. Likewise adukts lear ing vua sexuality goes via hobbies and flurting, not via havkng secyal affairs and getting stuck, but maybe the latter can teach one habits or ways of living which may suit somewhere, some kind of life. Chikdren want tl learn about life, so they maybe say ghat theh want to learn xrom the adults in their environment or snilks that theh emphasize, but that usually means starting to such a directiln, but if there comes problems it is tbought that then should stop and estimate again, even if some words or estimates were earluer the same, but it is the extend of foresight, or social eye, communication skills etc, instead of preferri g lyars, since how could one know or get the freedom to choose everything right to begin with, but that is different from forcing such chouces unfairly upon others. Similarly about medicine and care professions: being helped nicely may sound a good choice, and one might gyess for the society's ordinary civiliced solutions, but is such really wise, if surgery is considered part of medicine but many elderly know about prayer healing etc, or if people tebd to get more ill in a care unit even if it looked nice to begin with? So such chains of promises are not intended.
Another kind of thing this maybe compares with in the eyes of some, are punishments. I guess the basic rule is that if you do not leave room for certain areas of life, you are not allowed to benefit from those areas of life, lije for example if you do follow certain values you ought not ve automatically considered civilucedly behaving in question involving those values, because of having gone to school years ago. "Live and let others live" is the basic rule to follow. How do we create a society that is wisely good to live in?
Generally an adult, a child or an animal needing a home means also good willing socual relations attempted, but such work out typically best for lufe if each person is of a different kind, lije of another gender and profession, another age and another types of persons, of anither species, etc. Kind of folliwing thoughts expressed and having good will but going one's own ways, unsuperwised. Yet family members need to orevent damage to others too, like notising if somebody's view of the world is technical ir otherwuse dedtructive instead of a memirised landscape like view with values the right way also in the large scale, wishing fairly good in the world, instead of jyst pointibg to school but caysing needless damage, needless lack of holistic view or neglect of the righrs of other types of peopke as if those were not walked over.
From HealthilyMoral.BlogSpot.com
Healing advices www.EasyHealing.info i.e. my blog CuringGuesses.BlogSpot.com
Softer life in healthy ways : LearnTalents.BlogSpot.com/2018/09 and my books MiracleLikeNature.BlogSpot.com
For transvestites of natural transformations https://curingguesses.blogspot.com/2023/04/sexual-ambivalence.html
Sunday, January 26, 2025
Of the treasure chest style box, continued
See https://learntalents9.blogspot.com/2024/11/after-quitting-thinking-of-treasure.html
In Finnish language the word for a treasure is "aarre". If one thinks of that word, there is A, maybe another A too, and the ending -re, which resembles "again" in English and "rehn" i.e. clean or clearly, in Swedish. So is one would estimate something to be a good choice for oneself, maybe for simikarly inclined others too, and have experience of such, but those being somehow rare, R, and one would sant them again, would that be one's guess of what would be good quality treasure.
The word for treasure chest is "aarrearkku" where the chest might refer to art+ death or art+moon like. Such happens to fine things when a momentary fine deed is transformed to a product made for the masses, sin e art is maybe most typically bought by travellers, and so the products need to be suited to varied types of people. So a treasure chest would be where to store those ready-made fine things that are meant to go for sale.
My experience of writing and my interest in arts, say that there seems to be some occult burden from upkeeping pieces of art, manufactured things, etc. So there shoukd be something keeping up the effect full time, all the time or so. Like tropical heat or workers capable of such, or somehow the average user upkeeping them by oneself.
My books etc as free versions at links from the blog https://miraclelikenature.blogspot.com/2024/11/like-treasure-chest.html
My books for sale www.amazon.com/author/khtervola
Would some children have wanted to see this news video of India celebrating some democracy day https://yle.fi/a/74-20139438 . India has lots of people and is known of being colourful and varied, yet cheap.
Some northern type of wisdom one sometimes gets from Russian literature.
My blog of Christmas gnome / elf like things made by others in the internet https://christmasgnomelike.blogspot.com
27th of January 2025 As a paradise theoretican, interested in Buddhism etc, I think that the wide world has and ought to have even more fine things, like coral reefs etc, and having many of them is like masses of treasures, so from tgat point of view a treasure chest in a responsible theoretically thinking person's home is just some box, kind of natural, not finer than other things, even though the treasures of the wide world are not mine. I do not see any point in making so much emphazis on the type of storage box I have, and emphasizing just some local treasures does not seem to be a good thing to reach for but instead more like destruction.
If one would like to compare tge situation of a couple in one of sparcely distributed houses in the tundra to a treasure chest, since the warmth of indoors is so important there, I still don't feel ghat to be a good comparison. If someone wants to live in a lonely house in the tundra, maybe one wants to go out also winter time, and then the possibiluty to return indoors is important, likewise the ability to get along and the possibility to make murders if needed. But so it is often with marriages and other close relations: those people need that kibd of support for their lives, it is a part of ghe way of life there and even in town there are many different types of people and wished for types of relationships and ways of living, and so the seemingly momentary choices often last longer than originally intended, since for such people there are not necessarily so many like-minded around. So it matters a lot what kinds of ways of living, climate, culture, wisdom of life, life possibilities around like happenibgs, different hobbies, jobs, etc there are, how wide the sphere of life, is it intended to work out in which moods, endurancy, capacity, values, skills, etc, and do you fit there, is the group wide or very small, etc.
Saturday, January 25, 2025
Pets that have influenced these blogs
I used to have two dogs: the white Japanese spitz dog died 9.onths from the starting of the Christmas gnomes subject, i.e. June 2019. My apricot miniature poodle Banjo, who had earluer wanter a Maltese dog as our third dog, died March 2021 in Espoo. After that I used to watch videos of Maltese dogs at www.youtube.com for years, so I guess the Christmas gnome skilks subject in my texts has mostly been influenced by just Maltese dogs, but I still think the breed maybe does not suit me, since the coat is fifficukt to keep clean, Malta is an island nation in the Mediterranean between southern Europe and Africa, so there may be climate problems too, and Maltese are not so sporty and joyful, not so fond of walks etc, so maybe those woukd not suit my character.
As company I have had on some mental side some old rats or ghosts of rats etc, old, dusty, grey, keeping company, interested in the internet and in educating the young and the quite beginners.
26th of January 2025 Do these styles in today news connect with Maltese style, kind of repairing in wise story like ways, instead of being fully capable of living a strong practical life in those weathers etc, kknd of like this Christmas gnome skills subject trying to increase wisdom of life more widely in the world.
28th of January 2025 Malta is somehow connected with royalty, so Maltese dogs seem very well behaved and wise, kind of consults. You might want to read my texts at links from "DIY "prince courageous and handsome" or "princess wise, strong and nice"" https://linkstomytexts.blogspot.com/2025/01/do-it-yourself-prince-courageous-and.html
" ( Extra dates for example if you are ill or handicapped or don't mind reading many nice healing advices, or want position ) "
" 1450 pages of easy nice miracle healing advices https://miraclelikenature.blogspot.com/2024/01/miracle-healing-advices.html
You can get position etc also via tgese texts www.TonttuOpisto.info
A little bit above zero, on the melted side
I watched some news video of someone taking care of skiing route interviewed, and he smiled broadly at saying -25C is nicer than +2, and it is so that if one has the weather skills and enjoys -25C it is often more beautiful and untouched snow etc, only people liking such a weather there. On the other hand +2C is more common for people being outdoors and even skiing, so how to make such weathers nice? On a skiing route that reminds me of a quite soft ground, largely melted or not yet much snow, as if with the needle trees which lise their needles for the winter like leaf trees, is it a German species? So one has part of the time snow to ski on and some parts are just melted. There may be water dropping from the branches, and the whole thibgs is like can we go here or is there better. So one is tuned to sensing and experimentkng what is like what and how lne can go, which is also otherwise quite typical for such a weather, since also when walking there are often water puddles in the snow. But it is in a way quite relaxed since there is no danger of frostbites, but on ghe other hand weathers may vary or change, and so one needs to keep an eye on the weathers and how are they developing, and nit go so far from indoors. Above 0C there is often a moist feel in the air and in the ground, but below 0C the air does not feel moist in a vapour like way, but instead freezing weather feels dry or like biting one's face, maybe it feels factual too.
26th of January 2025 This is a weather skills oriented subject. So if you like this kind of subject, you propably would like weather skills at large. See for example my book about the four seasons https://finnishskills.blogspot.com/2014/11/living-with-seasons.html or about weather skilks for all climates my blog WeatherSkills.BlogSpot.com . You just need to find out what kinds of climates suit you, what is the charm you long for. https://winelikefascination.blogspot.com/2024/07/snow-covers-melting-seen-thinking-of.html and https://miraclelikenature.blogspot.com/2024/04/magnifient-views.html .
Or liking nature and music. https://learntalents.blogspot.com/2023/01/skills-of-christmas-gnomes.html , https://miraclelikenature.blogspot.com/2024/01/book-wonderful-miracle-like-beings.html and many other blog posts of mine, songs etc.
Of sports https://learntalents10.blogspot.com/2025/01/of-wider-perspectives.html
Friday, January 24, 2025
A bucket full of roses ???
Spring 1999 psychologists attacked me and my lufe went badly ashtray, without any reason that I would have known of. Autumn 1999? I was trying to get some work in agriculture or gardening, and tgere seemed to be only one job, so I called them and got hired. It was green area service E Saarinen, and the man superwising went to do something else while I was commanded to cut roses. I did not know of such, I thought it was too early since many of tge roses were in flower, but I was commanded to cut them anyway. I had no otger job, and some people walkkng by said it was ok, so I cut some of them, and continued with someone else doing some part of it, saying that someone had died in the hoyse snd that's why. There was in the universith a philosophy professor with the same name as the gardener company and he always told a story of how he always brought a rose to his wife, and we students always consizered it somehow important and fine. But so I went home with a bucket full of roses, crying, but someone said that maybe those roses were somehow meant to me, since those öooked flourishing kn the bucker in the tram. My texts (about the rationality of feelings etc) now 2025 January at links from MiracleLikeNature.BlogSpot.com
Roses are a difficult type of flowers in that roses have spikes. So if you look at the effect of flowrrs, roses cause that the persons next to you do something nasty to you, since they consider roses such. It is traditional to give roses to ones finishing school, since the years of study are nasty enough to serve as spikes. So when I found myself with a bucket of roses, I thought it referring to study like achievements, like what I had planned to write about the rationality of feelings, and on the other hand me so work like supporting the wisdom of feelings that others have, like singers for example and people with wisdom of life for example about choosing hobbies or dream jobs, and the roses referring to some wishing for such texts written.
Often others interprete size classes all wrong: one nice thing mentioned being enough for a flower, and they themselves destroying that from the life of the one who mentilned it, or from the world, would be the spikes of that flower, even though the impression of such is just an attack and a destruction, not any flower or small spikes only. And the thibg referred to by "rose" is typically the flower, seen as beautiful and kind of for wisdom, the total effect like only looked at because of liking such, and without touching the spikes at all, or touching the spikes with thick enough gloves or some sheltering layers of something strong enough, is it newspaper?
Horto Kaalo "Long time ago" Eurovision 1977 (I do not like this song, it just reminds me of my childhood in the 1970's and early 1980's) https://m.youtube.com/watch?v=cQFWq3aT71g&list=RDcQFWq3aT71g&start_radio=1
"Long time ago blue sky arched over ages old forest.
The trees have dies, I cannot see the sky through the smoke.
Long time ago birdsong concert filled the air, long time ago the grass was green.
Long time ago there was something that I only dream about today.
We used to be so new,... then more relaxedly lived humans.
... "
Jennifer Rush : The power of love https://m.youtube.com/watch?v=b_zHQ6kFuQ0 was played in the radio at some time 1990's when I was in my early twenties.
Elton John : Sacrifice https://m.youtube.com/watch?v=NrLkTZrPZA4
" ... Some things look better, baby, when jyst passing through. ..."
25th of January 2025 Thinking of that some estimates of sizes and of trustworthiness, even of the areas of application of ordinary words, can go so very much ashtray, I must clarify tgat I write about thoughts and skills from the poibt of view of objective thinking with pictures of wholes. I write teaching material meant to be read on free time out of personal interest in the subjects of the texts. I do not write atmospheric descriptions of some moments or landscapes, not anything story like. Instead the atmospgeric impressions in my texts usually refer to things to take knto account in objective thinking, like what are the ohenomena in the picture of the world like, what are your personal chouces, what does each point of view say, what sre the typical other points of view or choices of values that some of the readers might have and is there any danger or cobtradiction in those, what kibds of grounds and ways of thinking yo use in each kibf of thing, what is the aim of the text, what does it seem to produce, bring as input and how, what the reader needs to add oneself, are there othwr possible factirs in the lives of quite many of the pissible readers inflyencing, like family members talking about the subject, former career chouces, etc.
And since these are new skills or solutilns etc, the basic point of view is that there was a wish for something, a dream but no existing view of how to solve it nicely in practice, and my thoughts, especially the emphazies plus the common sense like basic school learned picture of the world of the reader, seek to offer such easy solutions - compared with the complexity of the question, but it needs living one's everyday life with common sense along.
"The owners of some dog breeds typically get killed"
" I used to have a Japanese spitz and an apricot poodle. After those had died I have quite often thought of wanting to get a new puppy and later another, but I have been sleepy and jyst hanging in the internet, so getting a puppy has not seemed to suit my habits etc.
Anyway, as I have pondered of different dog breeds, there are some which on some virtual or spiritual side tell that the owners of those dog breeds typically get killed. The breeds are chihuahua (prefers some types of very fat people), samoyed (tends to get stuck talking endlessly even if the place is dangerous) and kleinspitz (somehow causes health issues or is not as good at healing them as maybe other small breeds are, or there maybe is some old thin woman coming living near who causes such and to whom the kleinspitz maybe would go).
Thursday, January 23, 2025
Wednesday, January 22, 2025
Walking to freedom
Wish well for the living kind, take that as the major (and only since for example good life can be it's part) goal in your life, always and in everything, also in social things. Follow that goal with good quality.
( This is essential in life and in that one's picture of the world would make sense, i.e. one's own course in life would make sense in the world and from the point of view of wisdom of life and of skills. It is also a miracle healing advice, and can help if the world is of spirit and one seeks to be fair instead of relying too much on others. )
My newest blog https://orthodoxaroundtheworld.blogspot.com
This somehow reminded me of that the Christmas song Tulkoon joulu, Let it be Christmas, mentions the wish of prisoners to be freed from prisons, https://m.youtube.com/watch?v=gsO8j76wtOQ&pp=ygUeU2lsbG9pbiBqb3VsdSBsdW9uYW1tZSBvbiBlbmds
The video of some Arab country, was it Bagdad in the 800's in the video game Assasin's greed in the Yle news article at https://yle.fi/a/74-20131217 brought this to my mind.
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Christmas tree specie's wisdom in the nature
I came to notice that if one copued the fully grown thick needle tree of an arrow or triangle like shape, lower branches growing somewvat d...
Spring 1999 psychologists attacked me and my lufe went badly ashtray, without any reason that I would have known of. Autumn 1999? I was try...
" 1450 pages of easy nice miracle healing advices https://miraclelikenature.blogspot.com/2024/01/miracle-healing-advices.html * You...
In today news there was live tv from European masters ice skating pair competition https://yle.fi/a/74-20140114 in Tallin in Estonia. That...